Saturday 15 October 2011

Ooh! Win!

So, after my post yesterday about my trousers being waaaaaaaaaaaay too big. I tried on my size twelve jeans west jeans.....





I could do with losing a bit more of the muffin top but they are on, they're buttoned, they're zipped and they don't look too shabby!  I am so excited!

My aim is to get to a size 10. I have another seven kilos to lose before I get to my goal weight. I'm not 100% sure I'm going to get to that size ten but I will be pretty close.

Putting these jeans on this morning was a HUGE motivation boost. I feel like I'm getting somewhere! I think sometimes you lose weight but can't see immediate results and just give up. At least I do. I've not lost a small amount here, I've lost over ten kilos. But I'm getting there.

Another thing... I'm expecting a gain or no loss this coming Wednesday... I feel crampy and bloated. Yeah, you know whar I mean. Ugh. But onwards! At least I'm prepared for it now so that I won't be disappointed if it happens. It isn't going to stop me. Size ten here I come.

Fitness test next week! Nervous! Excited!



  1. YAY! Congratulations! That is so awesome.

  2. Well done! I wish it was size 12 I was fitting into! But I'll make do with fitting into jeans that aren't maternity jeans! Well done on your success so far!
